Leadership is crucial because it encourages, inspires, and sets an example for others to make the world a better place. Leaders provide a vision, offer a course of action, and cultivate a close bond with their followers. As a result, they assist others in working together to accomplish goals. 

Leadership is something we all would like to improve on, but there are not many programs that help leadership skills. Interestingly, you could improve leadership by riding horses.

Horses are prey animals, making them instinctive and agile. Horses tend to mirror and mimic the movements and emotions of human beings. This is reflected by the horse's body language. By learning to communicate with horses and seeing how the horse responds to commands, we may improve our communication skills, learn to deal with our worries, and better control our emotions.

To be able to ride and control a horse, you are required to have an enormous amount of leadership. When horse riding, the rider needs to be understanding, harmonic, and patient to be able to effectively guide a horse.

You must have the following abilities while riding:

All of the above are required to improve leadership skills. Think as if the horses are people; you will need confidence, decision-making skills, determination, knowledge, kindness, and awareness. Horse riding will be able to teach you skills without you realizing it. It could be a fun sport that also helps you improve your leadership skills.


Adams, Brittany Lee. Using horses to teach authentic leadership skills to at-risk youth. University of Florida, 2013.

Bilginoğlu, Elif. "Equine-Assisted Experiential Learning on Leadership Development." International Journal of Organizational Leadership 10 (2021): 3-16.

Gunter, June, et al. "Working with horses to develop shared leadership skills for nursing executives." Organizational Dynamics 46.1 (2017): 57-63.

Mumford, Michael D., et al. "Development of leadership skills: Experience and timing." The Leadership Quarterly 11.1 (2000): 87-114.

Mahoney, Janet. "Leadership skills for the 21st century." Journal of nursing management 9.5 (2001): 269-271.

RajfuRa, Tomasz, and RobeRT KaRaszewsKi. "Horse Sense Leadership: What Can Leaders Learn from Horses?." Journal of Corporate Responsibility and Leadership 5.1 (2018): 61-83.